Testimonial | Rebekah Sharpe

“If we don’t process our trauma, we will project our pain.” -Angela Madden.

Through therapy, inner healing work, and a whole lot of prayer; I have been able to process a lot of my soul wounds. However, this course renewed my mind in tremendous ways and sharpened the tools that I have collected on my journey.

One of the greatest breakthroughs during I Am was the enriching of my discernment so that I can more readily recognize spaces of pain and hurt still residing in my heart. We truly transform from glory to glory and faith to faith. I learned, through unpacking various layers during the cohort, that my default setting of offense when something is said or done and it rubs me the wrong way underscores that there is a remnant in me that I need to be introspective about and forge time to sincerely process in order to be gentle as dove. I am worth the extra time and the full manifestation of my healing and generational curse breaking, truly does hinge on this courageous discipline. I have become more honest with God in the recesses of my brokenness and pain and am allowing Him to “Restore” all things through His divine power.

He has begun a mighty work as described in Joel 2:25-26, “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locus, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame. I know He will be faithful to complete this great work and I am now equipped to couple powerful work with great faith in order to experience transformation!

Dr. Ang, your “yes” to creating this experience has profoundly touched all of us and we will now go on to impact many others as a result! Thank you!

- Rebekah Sharpe

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Angela Madden
Testimonial | Renae Kasowski

The I Am book literally changed my life. After reading it five times and seeing new things each time, I knew I wanted to be a part of The I Am Experience. I am so glad I did!

I came to realize that I have struggled with identity since I was a child. I either tried really hard to be like someone else because I didn’t feel good enough, or I tried to be so unique, to prove I had value. I felt constantly threatened by others, which pushed people away. I thought my identity & value was determined by my performance and I would always feel second best to anyone who was "better at something than me." This produced in me a life lived in the gap of the two “realities,” creating constant torment and competition that cost me friendships.

Through “The I Am Experience” I have truly come to know that I can REST in my identity in Christ. I have learned that I don’t need to be someone else or do anything to prove myself. I simply can BE. And there is now NO DOUBT I have value to offer - unchanging value that was determined by an unchanging God before I was even born.

- Renae Kasowski

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Angela Madden
Testimonial | Jen De-Rose Giles

I joined the I Am Experience wanting and expecting to get something powerful. God not only met this desire but exceeded every expectation and in ways I never saw!

From the second week of the course, my husband started asking me “What’s going on with you? You’re so different.
You seem so free and light.” I undoubtedly had “leveled-up” and it was apparent to everyone
close to me. Not only that, but through the openness of this group and the beauty of real talk, I came to realize, in my newfound empowerment and desire to empower others, it is vital to remain humble and to truly hear others where they are without being “above” anyone. I learned that being empowered means I am able to be show up for others as they need without losing who I am.

As a result of the I Am Experience, I know I was created for His greatness and have
finally said “yes” to God’s calling! The sky is the limit!

- Jen De-Rose Giles

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Angela Madden