Introspection is the Word of the Day and a gift from God! Taught this word at a young age by an older man in our church, Mr. Lillard, I couldn’t have imagined the depth of meaning and impact this single word would have on my life and I believe will have on yours too!
Introspection is the act of going inside and inspecting YOURSELF. It’s easy for us to look at others’ lives and make all kinds of judgements, jump to conclusions, and find fault but how often do we use that same magnifying glass on ourselves? The idea is not to look for our flaws and missteps but rather to diagnose the condition of our hearts and decipher through which filter we are processing our experiences. Mature individuals actively seek to understand why they have specific feelings or reactions to certain events, circumstances, or people. Immaturity stops at the emotion.
“Mature individuals actively seek to understand why they have specific feelings or reactions to certain events, circumstances, or people. Immaturity stops at the emotion.”
We were created as deep, infinite wells to be filled up by an Infinite God and His goodness. Then life happens and pain fills up our well and creates shelves which limit our capacity for the goodness of God. These shelves can cause us to live from a shallow place to avoid facing pain and stay close to the surface of only sensory experience but such living leaves us wanting more. We were created for more. We need more. So, today, make introspection a daily practice and enjoy deeper fulfillment!